Nottingham Anna Space Arm.

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#1 Nottingham Anna Space Arm.

Unread post by vinylnvalves »

Finally got my arm back from Nottingham Analogue, after the rewire. I needed a new arm board too as I didn’t realise how long a 12” really is. Well it’s all fitted now, interestingly the cartridge alignment tool that Nottingham Analogue gave me, even though it alignment being carried out at different point, to my eyes aligns with my own alignment.
Started with my most sacrificial cartridges, as mishaps do happen, as Ant knows.
Initial thoughts after a few LP’s is it’s slightly more engaging than the Zeta, and as it’s 3” longer you don’t notice the variation between the first and last track. The setup will need a little more fettling, will play with the HIFI news torture LP over the weekend if I get a chance. Need to borrow a digital oscilloscope off Dave as I don’t have a Fozgometer.

What’s the opinion on burning in tonearm wires on this forum?
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#2 Re: Nottingham Anna Space Arm.

Unread post by IslandPink »

I doubt there's any consensus, but I'd take a CD player, clipleads, get some resistors about 5x the CD player Zout, and run some music through the wires for a few hours. I know that certainly opens-up step up transformers and small line transformers, and should do whatever it is to wire insulation too.
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#3 Re: Nottingham Anna Space Arm.

Unread post by Ant »

Don't remind me (sob wailey wailey)

Ive found that the wire ive used doesnt take very long to burn in, if it does at all. I probably just get used to it within an lp or two
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#4 Re: Nottingham Anna Space Arm.

Unread post by vinylnvalves »

I had seen this from Mark at VP.

Oh if I had an old goldbug lying around.. ... n_link.htm

I was going to use a Walkman.. as a CD player, so 80’s. :D Would image with a Walkman I wouldn’t need to pad it down, like the idea of a big block so no trailing leads too rip off the tonearm.
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#5 Re: Nottingham Anna Space Arm.

Unread post by vinylnvalves »

It’s the wire to the amp that’s integral that probably needs the burned in the most.
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