Isolation Transformers

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andrew Ivimey
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#16 Re: Isolation Transformers

Unread post by andrew Ivimey »

Give them a call. They have a website - praps the place to peek at first.
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#17 Re: Isolation Transformers

Unread post by simon »

No costs at all on the website. I asked for a quote for interstage transformers many years ago and had to chase them up, and then the quote was really expensive. Perhaps I was asking for something quite difficult.

Anyone used them in the past and can recall how they compare on price with AE for instance?
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#18 Re: Isolation Transformers

Unread post by Ant »

Think mi dad had the 13e1 transformers made by majestic he might recall
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#19 Re: Isolation Transformers

Unread post by Mike H »

Wasn't sure if I wanted to continue, but anyway...

Perhaps Paul misunderstood me -

What I was trying to say was...

I did look at the specs, and unless I'm missing something - ignore the 115V windings for a minute. Pretend it's a 230V isolation transformer, 1:1 ratio.

TWO transformers, primaries in parallel, secondaries in series. At no point is 230V across a 115V winding. The output is 230-0-230 (actually, 4 x 115 in series). ???

Maybe it's only me can see it... :lol:
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#20 Re: Isolation Transformers

Unread post by Nick »

Nope, I can see it Mike.

I think the bit that maybe was missed was
using 2 of them
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#21 Re: Isolation Transformers

Unread post by simon »

I got it as well Mike :thumbright:
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Paul Barker
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#22 Re: Isolation Transformers

Unread post by Paul Barker »

I missed the two transformers part.
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